Brough's Books - Chippewa Indians

Chippewa Indians

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Chiefs Hole in the Day of the Mississippi Chippewa
by Mark Diedrich
Paperback from Coyote Books
The Chippewa and Their Neighbors: A Study in Ethnohistory
The Chippewa and Their Neighbors: A Study in Ethnohistory
by Harold Hickerson, et al
Book Description: This edition not only again makes available a classic volume in ethnohistory, but also provides a perceptive assessment of the influence of Hickerson's book since it first appeared in 1970. The seventeen-page critical review and bibliographical supplement, as well as the new maps and illustrations, show the methodological refinement and new questions addressed in ethnohistorical studies over the last several decades when Hickerson's pioneering efforts served both as model and controversial stimulus to other scholars to probe more deeply into the documentary records and seek fuller understanding of them. Includes a special, full color, fold-out map, "Indian Villages and Tribal Distribution c. 1768."
Paperback: 151 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.25 x 9.25 x 6.25
Publisher: Waveland Press; (August 1988)
ISBN: 0881333301
Chippewa Families: A Social Study of White Earth Reservation, 1938
by M. Inez Hilger, et al
Book Description: During the summer and fall of 1938 Mary Inez Hilger, a sister of the Order of St. Benedict, lived on the White Earth Indian Reservation in northwestern Minnesota while she gathered data about housing conditions. Her work portrays both the traditional lifeways of 150 Chippewa families and the adaptations they made at a time of tremendous cultural change. In a series of interviews, she collected personal stories and a wealth of material about living conditions, social life, and material culture on...
Chippewa Child Life and Its Cultural Background
Chippewa Child Life and Its Cultural Background (Borealis Books)
by M. Inez Hilger, Inez Hilger, Jean M. O'Brien
Paperback from Minnesota Historical Society
Chippewa Customs
Chippewa Customs
by Frances Densmore, Nina Marchetti Archabal (Introduction)
Book Description Frances Densmore, born in 1867, was one of the first ethnologists to specialize in the study of American Indian music and culture. Her book, first published in 1929, remains an authoritative source for the tribal history, customs, legends, traditions, art, music, economy, and leisure activities of the Chippewa Indians of the United States and Canada.
Paperback: 228 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.67 x 8.97 x 5.78
Publisher: Minnesota Historical Society; ; (August 1, 1979)
ISBN: 0873511425
Chippewa Treaty Rights: The Reserved Rights of Wisconsin's Chippewa Indians in Historical Perspective
by Ronald N. Satz, Laura Apfelbeck, Jason Tetzloff, Anthony Gulig, Timothy Spindler, Tracy Hemmy, Laura Evert, Rennard Strickland
Paperback from Univ of Wisconsin Pr

The Chippewas of Lake Superior
The Chippewas of Lake Superior (Civilization of the American Indian Series, Vol 148)
by Edmund Jefferson Danziger, Edmund Jefferson Danzinger, Edward Danziger
Paperback from Univ of Oklahoma Pr (Trd)
The Foxie Otter Site: A Multicomponent Occupation North of Lake Huron
by Christopher Hanks
(Paperback - January 1990)

A Face in the Rock: The Tale of a Grand Island Chippewa
by Loren R. Graham, Abigail Rorer (Illustrator)

How Indians Use Wild Plants for Food, Medicine and Crafts
by Frances Densmore
(Paperback - July 1974)

History of the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of Michigan
by Andrew J. Blackbird

The People Named the Chippewa: Narrative Histories
by Gerald Robert Vizenor, Robert Gerald
Paperback from Univ of Minnesota Pr (Txt)

The Star Maiden: An Ojibway Tale
by Barbara Juster Esbensen (Author)
(Paperback - September 1991)

Red World and White: Memories of a Chippewa Boyhood (Civilization of the American Indian Series, Vol 126)
by John Rogers, Melissa L. Meyer
Paperback: 176 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.51 x 7.45 x 4.84
Publisher: Univ of Oklahoma Pr (Trd);
ISBN: 0806128917

The Messenger of Spring: A Chippewa, Ojibwa Legend
by C. J. Taylor (Illustrator)
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